Our recommended clone hero songs will definitely meet your needs.Clone Hero DownloadThis section includes the download link of official clone hero game. The above link contains a lot of data to pick from. In order to install these custom charts, you just have to drag the chart files to the clone hero folder in the game setup.Moreover, if you have custom charts, you can enjoy the game much more. The community of clone hero is very supportive, so, it is not hard to get started with clone hero game.To make your job easier, we are recommending you songs to get started with here at.

You can easily find out custom charts to play on clone hero. Clone hero does not come with pre-installed songs, so what you need to do is find the library of best clone hero charts. So, here you go!Clone Hero SongsThe best thing about clone hero game is that you are able to simply and quickly add the custom made content to the game. It is made by Srylain and it incorporates various elements of Rock Band and Guitar Hero III. Some top features of the game are simple songs installation, community support, streamer friendly, and unlimited songs storage based on your SSD/HDD size.In this post, we have included everything you need to know about clone hero including the download links for clone hero for PX, Mac and Linux, best clone hero charts and best clone hero songs etc.

Clone hero is a rhythm game based on the famous Guitar Hero game.